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Far Cough 10:21 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Yeah, five year plan normally

Hammer and Pickle 10:20 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
They had to vote as you well know.

neilalex 10:14 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
I don't think you got to vote very often under Lavrentiy.

Hammer and Pickle 10:13 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Least that cunt had a plan.

Far Cough 10:05 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
They should nominate Beria

That'll learn them

neilalex 10:01 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Curiously, Capitol Man, that's also the truth. You have a situation where both camps have very serious misgivings about voting for their candidate. My company is Manhattan based, McKinsey/ Harvard MBA type died in the wool democrats. They really don't like HC at all.

Hammer and Pickle 9:56 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Trump gets the white trash / Fox News vote just like Brexit got the white van man / Murdoch junky electorate over here.

Fortunately the US presidency may well be a bridge too far for the Populist Plague.

Capitol Man 9:52 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Absolutely not my experience NA. Surefire conservatives I've talked to, with one exception, have said they will never vote for Trump.

neilalex 9:47 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
One of the main fears, valid or otherwise, that Americans currently have is the belief that not enough is being done to protect them. The fact that they've been gunning each other down indiscriminately for decades isn't relevant here, this is what many believe to be the case.

Trump resonates heavily here even amongst the New York democrats I was talking about earlier. I've not spoken to anyone that thinks they would be safer under HC than Trump. Illogical, irrational whatever, you can't ignore that stuff.

Mike Oxsaw 9:47 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
VirginiaHam 9:21 Fri Aug 12

If there can be any doubt that the President is simply a puppet for those with other agendas, this election farce should go a long way to answering that question.

American education has indoctrinated Americans not to question their politicians as "they know best".

Unfortunately for the American population, that "best" is only available to a chosen few.

Sarge 9:45 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
my ex bosses (one Chicago born and bred, the other an ex new yorwk banker) said from the off not to forget how many stupid Americans there are..........

guess its more than just Cletus from the simpsons

Capitol Man 9:42 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
There are libertarian and green candidates also on the ticket in November.

It's pretty well impossible for another candidate to get on the ballot in all 50 states at this point.

The GOP could convene an emergency meeting of the RNC to dump Trump, but they won't.

If he withdraws then the RNC could again convene an emergency meeting to pick a replacement.

VirginiaHam 9:39 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
I think the Republicans have something cooking, but how do you get Trump to resign? That would be a massive climb down, and he'd be an even bigger cunt than he already is if he opted out. Don't know how you find the right words to get him to resign with grace, not that he understands the word 'grace'.

Hammer and Pickle 9:31 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Far as I can tell VirginiaHam, with a Republican legislature any responsibility for a Trump executive would rest solely with the Grand Old Party.

I see a resignation in the offing.

VirginiaHam 9:23 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Sarge 9:20 Fri Aug 12

I think I'm stuck, mate. No way back apparently, unless Trump opts out.

How can America be so stupid?

Hmmm, because there are a lot of stoooooopid Americans, perhaps?

VirginiaHam 9:21 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House

If you asked Trump where his arse was, after he'd stuck his finger up his arse, he'd argue about it's whereabouts.

He is not fit to run anything. If he gets elected as US President the rest of the world will have no doubt as to how stupid Americans are.

I can't imagine the Apocalypse that will result.

Sarge 9:20 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
is there any way an independent third candidate can crop up at this stage

or is VH stuck with a choice between judy Finnegan and a fat obnoxious version of spitting images Paul Daniels puppet?

Texas Iron 9:15 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Trump literslly doesnt know what day it is...

Yesterday he said it was Friday...twice in the same speech...

He insisted Obama and Clinton FOUNDED ISIS...literally...

Trump said he would wage Nuclear War SARCASICALLY... Press the nuclear button ...then say it was Sarcasm...

Absolute unmitigated Loon...

Capitol Man 9:15 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Hermit Road 8:53 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House

You have to compare her to trump though as when you hold someone up for "lying" that needs to be set in the context of politics. This is all about comparing her to Trump.

I'd say it was Obama commenting in the middle of a primary campaign.

Despite that comment he made her his first secretary of state - which gives an indication of his thoughts outside of a direct contest between the two.

Hammer and Pickle 9:09 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
Why are you posting spam Hermit?

Hermit Road 9:06 Fri Aug 12
Re: Race for the White House
A liberal criticises his father in law because he votes to stop humans being killed in phenomenal numbers, and then talks about their gun laws being bad. Their gun laws are bad, so is legally killing a million humans every year.

We really have gone through the looking glass.

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